Appinio's Market Research Blog

October 17, 2022 | 16min read

7 Steps to a Successful Target Audience Analysis

Running successful marketing research means it is crucial to have a clear understanding of the target audience. Whether they are d...

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October 17, 2022 | 11min read

Competitive Analysis

In the world of business, competition is just as fierce as in a cycling race. To stay ahead of the game, companies must constantly...

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October 18, 2022 | 7min read

Pricing Analysis: The Van Westendorp Price Sensitivity Meter

Setting the right price for a product or service can be a daunting task for companies. It involves striking a delicate balance bet...

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October 18, 2022 | 10min read

The Survey Guide - How to Design a Professional Questionnaire

Market research heavily relies on questionnaires as they are essential in generating valuable insights into the minds of consumers...

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October 18, 2022 | 7min read

Quality Criteria of a Survey for Market Research

Market research is a critical aspect of a company's decision-making process, providing essential insights that can inform various ...

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October 18, 2022 | 7min read

Measuring Brand Image

What do you think of when you hear the names Volkswagen, Coca-Cola, or Burger King? Your associations, whether positive or negativ...

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October 18, 2022 | 10min read

Design-Test: How to test a Design properly?

It's not always easy to capture the essence of a brand or communicate its benefits through corporate logos, claims, out-of-home ad...

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October 18, 2022 | 8min read

Kano Analysis: The Complete Guide

Creating products or services that will satisfy your customers' needs is the ultimate goal for any team. While numerous ideas may ...

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October 18, 2022 | 8min read

Identify unknown potential with the TURF Analysis

Discovering which product will appeal to the greatest number of customers can be a challenge for any company. Enter TURF analysis,...

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October 18, 2022 | 10min read

Conjoint Analysis: a comprehensive practical guide

Product development and market establishment pose significant challenges for many companies. During the development process, the c...

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October 18, 2022 | 4min read

Preference measurement: Maximum Difference Scaling

As a marketer or decision-maker, you may often wonder which product features or services are most important to your customers or t...

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October 20, 2022 | 12min read

Measuring Customer Satisfaction

Measuring customer satisfaction is key to any business's success. Satisfied customers not only return but also recommend products ...

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