Appinio's Insights Blog

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Appinio's yearly review, listing the top trends of the year, the best moments of the year and 2023's highlights and lowlights

06.12.2023 | 9min read

2023 a Year in Review: Exploring Consumer Trends and Insights in the US

As we bid farewell to another chapter of our lives, let’s take a moment and reflect on the whirlwind of experiences that defined...
Traveler enjoying their time off in a pool in a donut floatie

09.11.2023 | 19min read

Hit the Road, America: Exploring Trends and Insights for Travel and Tourism in the US in 2023

Is life a pendulum constantly swinging between the PTO (paid time off) you just had and the next PTO you’re going to request?
DIY and home improvement trends in the US, how Americans are improving their home and living spaces on their own, by painting, gardening and switching up furniture

25.10.2023 | 12min read

Stylish, Thrifty and Versatile: The Latest DIY and Home Improvement Trends in the US

Have you ever found yourself staring at that blank wall in your living room, thinking, "I could totally spruce this up," or maybe...
Pets and how pet owners have changed the rules of the pet industry in the US

18.09.2023 | 14min read

The Booming Pet Industry in the US: Exploring Trends and Innovations

In a world where pet ownership has skyrocketed over the last thirty years, it's crystal clear that our four-legged, feathered,...
Child playing with colored wooden building blocks

16.08.2023 | 14min read

Beyond Play: The Wonderful World of Toys, Learning, and Kidults in the US

Today we’ll explore the captivating world of toys, a realm where dreams come to life, where nostalgia intertwines with...
Person going grocery shopping at a supermarket

03.08.2023 | 22min read

2023 FMCG Report: Consumer Trends in the US for the Food & Beverage Sector

What are consumers buying? What is the latest food and drink craze? Chocolate covered strawberry yogurt clusters? Is Dalgona...
Digital Healthcare & the role of AI: The Innovation race

02.08.2023 | 22min read

Digital Healthcare & the role of AI: The Innovation race

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been everything, everywhere and all at once these days.
Female soccer player sitting down on the soccer field

10.07.2023 | 26min read

Breaking Barriers: Women in Sports and Viewers’ Perception

Sports have always played a significant role in our society, they are inspiring tales of triumph, dedication, and sheer...
Gen Z individuals taking selfies to post on social media

22.06.2023 | 25min read

Gen Z & Social Media: Exploring the Digital Landscape of Generation Z

Social media has become an integral part of our daily lives, but Generation Z, commonly known as Gen Z, is the generation with...
Gen Z mass protesting with a megaphone on San Francisco Bridge

22.06.2023 | 18min read

Gen Z & Politics: Political Engagement & Views of the Next Generation

As the world evolves, so does the political landscape, and the emergence of Generation Z, brings forth a new wave of political...
American Gen Z talking about dating and dating apps while holding their smartphones

22.06.2023 | 9min read

How is Gen Z dating? Redefining relationships and love

The dating landscape has undergone a significant transformation in recent years, primarily driven by the rise of dating...
User choosing a song on their music streaming service on smartphone

02.06.2023 | 18min read

The Subscription Economy: Exploring the World of US Subscription Services

Subscription services have emerged as a dominant force, revolutionizing the way we shop and access media content. Subscription...

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