Appinio x EAE Business School
Tracking integration
Founded in 1958, EAE Business School is an international business school based in Madrid and Barcelona.
As a global entity, it is essential for EAE Business School to have a detailed picture of its brand awareness in the countries where it carries out strategic marketing actions.

Test Type
Multi-country Brand
Awareness Tracking
8 countries in
Europe and America

Research setup
Young professionals
Weeks field time
Measuring the efficiency of its on-the-go campaigns
Multiplying the information flow to adapt its strategies
Full visibility of its evolution by tracking integration
Improved KPI visualization and granularity of analysis
Why EAE loves Appinio
“Thanks to Appinio we have been able to increase the frequency in obtaining results, the analysis depth and have managed to expand markets and targets in an agile and simple way.”
Aroa Corvillo Calzada
Director of Marketing and Communications at EAE Business School
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