Use Case

Consumer Tracking

Understand how consumers think and what drives their choices. From purchase frequency to product use, to drivers and barriers - we've got all the answers you need, in real time.
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Here's why you need Consumer Tracking

Consumer tracking studies provide data-driven insights into customer behavior and preferences, enabling you to make informed decisions that lead to more effective product development, marketing, and overall strategy.

Advantages of Consumer Tracking

  • Group 2570
    Access real-time data on purchase frequency, product usage, and buying decision influencers, enabling real-time strategy adjustments.
  • Hero-Icon_Recognise
    Understand the motivations behind your customers' purchasing choices and discover the obstacles preventing them from making a purchase.
  • Hero-Icon_Awareness-1
    Find subtle nuances affecting consumer decisions, revealing unexpected insights to shape your business strategies.

Methods to include in your Consumer Tracking

MaxDiff Scaling

Find what matters to customers

MaxDiff Scaling reveals the key insights behind your customers' preferences by quantifying the maximum difference between alternatives. Unlock the power of consumer tracking today.
Delve deeper into MaxDiff

Mystery Shopping

Discover insights, enhance experiences

Discover the objective customer perspective through Mystery Shopping, enabling you to pinpoint areas for improvement and refine your services based on real experiences.
Explore Mystery Shopping now

Key Driver Analysis

Your compass for smart business decisions

Uncover the critical factors that influence customer behavior and design strategies tailored to your audience.
Understand your Key Drivers

KPIs to measure

  • Hero-Icon_Awareness-1

    Brand Awareness

  • Hero-Icon_Driver-Barrier

    Driver and Barriers

  • Hero-Icon_Calendar

    Purchase Frequency

  • Hero-Icon_Purchase-1

    Purchase Channel

  • Hero-Icon_UX

    Usage Situation

  • Hero-Icon_First-Choice-1

    First Choice

  • Hero-Icon_Operational-support

    Top of Mind

  • Hero-Icon_Usage

    Product Use

Essential Consumer Tracking questions

  • For feature prioritization

    What are the expectations of different target groups regarding the product features? Which new potential features should be prioritized for implementation?

  • For consistent customer experiences

    Are there any specific issues or barriers that prevent customers from making a purchase or enjoying a positive experience?

  • For target audience insights

    Are there any discrepancies between customer feedback and the actual customer experiences observed through Mystery Shopping?

Consumer Tracking explained

  • In marketing, consumer tracking can be used to understand how consumers think and what drives their choices. This can be done from tracking purchase frequency to product use, to drivers and barriers, etc.
  • The purpose of consumer tracking is to monitor and analyze customer behavior, interactions, and preferences over time, to inform marketing and sales strategies and improve customer experience.
  • Types of consumer online tracking include tracking brand awareness, product use, drivers and barriers, purchase channel and frequency, and usage situation.
  • Tracking consumer behavior offers insights on what customers value during different parts of the sales process which can then be used to find out what makes or breaks your consumers' decision.

More use cases & methods


Brand tracking

Don’t fly blind. Measure and track your brand's performance to stay on top of consumers' perceptions of you.
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Brand awareness

Measuring brand image: What do consumers associate with a brand?
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Campaign tracking

Knowing the reach and the click-through rate is great. But what's the real impact of your campaign on your brand?
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Target group analysis

Gen Z or Millenials? Yoga lovers or CrossFit fans? Get a clear understanding of your target audience to create great products that they will actually need and love.
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